Friday, 6 February 2009

Editing the MPA map

You may want to adapt the MPA map so that it shows which areas of it are being addressed in a unit plan. I have used the map at the start of each new unit I have planned so that teachers using it are aware of the skills that they are delivering and can start to mention these to students. You will need to download the adaptable template from the right hand side of the page on this link and then you will need to download a piece of software called FreeMind from the link on the same page (or here When you have downloaded FreeMind, right click on the adaptable template icon and then "Open with" and choose FreeMind from the list.
I managed to start using FreeMind fairly easily. Double click on a bubble to edit it. If it then looks too long when you have finished, right click on it and choose "Edit long node" and then put some return characters in to make it look better.

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